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  • Writer's pictureKendall

SURFBORT in Oakland!

Updated: Mar 30, 2022

Last night I had the chance to check out a band I really love for the FIRST TIME! The band is called, 'SURFBORT'.
I went to see them in Oakland at a place called, The Golden Bull. The show was even more epic than I thought it would be! And the opening bands were super amazing too! I feel like a bad ass after attending last night's show... great shows will do that to ya!:P It was so nice to see some live music and everyone out at the venue together rockin' out!
The 1st band was called, 'Smirk'

The second band was called, "Niis". Check out some of their music HERE. They blew my mind!! and there was a niis mosh pitt going during their set! The lead singer was so beautiful and had the prettiest red mullet! It was a really special night for her as her mother and father were in the audience and we all got to sing Happy Birthday to her Dad! She also talked about currently having a UTI which was so punk rock. She's rad!

After Niis wrapped up SURFBORT started to play. They WERE SOOO GOOD! Like I mentioned earlier, I have liked this band for a few years now and so it was extra special to finally see them live! I love their vibe and I love Dani's voice and singing style!! Dani was super friendly and took some pix with me after the show and she also signed my shirt! :) Thanks a ton to SURFBORT and Niis and Smirk for the killer show last night. I already can't wait to see em again!

You know I'm wearing the shirt today at work!! :D

Check out all of their videos on YouTube HERE !!

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Mar 31, 2022


Mar 31, 2022

Thanks for the vicarious experience at the show! Wish I could go, keep keeping us in the know!

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