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  • Writer's pictureKendall

Thanks to Crawford's Books!

I was a little early to an appointment recently and dropped by Crawford's Books to kill the time. I found this Jim Morrison book right when I walked in the door and knew what book was meant for me that day 😊 I was extra excited because Jim's birthday was around the corner and he's one of my favorite musicians ever! I also found a really cool book about crystals and some beautiful hand made jewelry I got for friends for the holidays!

Thanks so much, Crawford's Books!

They have new and used books and also do trade!

Crawford's Books is located at

5301 Freeport Blvd. #200

Sacramento, CA 95822

# (916) 731-8001

Check out their website at


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The Accountant

just watched it for the 1st time. Wow! I think this is my favorite movie with Ben so far. Loooove this movie!!


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